Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

History of Blues

In this blog, I'll tell you about history of blues. Why blues? Because I like it very much. Blues music is music that is very famous in the world. Besides  easy to listening, blues scales also has an easy to play. The first blues played by blacks, who at that time happened slavery whites to blacks. And that's when the blues was born. Blues is also synonymous with the sound of rebellion against any kind of slavery. Playing blues is influenced by our soul, when we sad we will play sad tones on blues, and it doesn't when we're happy.

The blues genre is based on the blues form but possesses other characteristics such as specific lyrics, bass lines and instruments. Blues can be subdivided into several subgenres ranging from country to urban blues that were more or less popular during different periods of the 20th century. Best known are the Delta, Piedmont, Jump and Chicago blues styles. World War II marked the transition from acoustic to electric blues and the progressive opening of blues music to a wider audience. In the 1960s and 1970s, a hybrid form called blues-rock evolved.
The term "the blues" refers to the "blue devils", meaning melancholy and sadness; an early use of the term in this sense is found in George Colman's one-act farce Blue Devils (1798). Though the use of the phrase in African-American music may be older, it has been attested to since 1912, when Hart Wand's "Dallas Blues" became the first copyrighted blues composition. In lyrics the phrase is often used to describe a depressed mood.

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